Our unique vodka that is fermented from maple syrup and brought down to 80 proof using the water from the maple sap. The resulting vodka is 100% the product of maple trees from Vermont. Granted, some of the sugar spent some time in close proximity with yeast in an oxygen deficient environment.
Tears of the Woods, our Vodka that is 100% from a maple tree. Not only do we ferment the maple syrup as our sugar source but we also proof it down to 80 proof using the water from the sap.
We are licensed to sell direct from the distillery. Please feel free to stop by but no guarantees I am not out in the woods. If you are interested in a tour or buying direct from the distillery, please contact me to arrange an appointment.
14 Daudelin Road, Underhill, Vermont 05489, United States
By appointment
You can also find us at:
Look for us next year at the Jeffersonville Farmer's Market Wednesdays 4-7pm
Please confirm you are of legal drinking age in your country of residence.